Sayin Stages
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Sayin Stages
This Page will tell you evary thing you need to know about the stages a Sayin goes through.

Normal Stage
When a Sayin is born it is born with a tail. They have black hair, the only Sayin without black hair is Trunks. They reach higher power levels by healing after a battle.
Super Sayin
This is the first stage of Super Sayin. To become a Super Sayin the Sayin must have alot of anger building up inside them and then they snap and become this awsome warrior capable of mass power. When a Sayin turn Super Sayin there eyes turn green and there hair a light blonde colour. They will gather a golden aroura around them and there strengh, speed, agillity and flexibility will increase. These are the Sayins who reach this level, Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Veggito, Gogeta, Gotenks, Child Trunks, Gohan, Goten and Brolly.

Ultra Super Sayin
Ultra Super Sayin is a level in the middle of Super Sayin 1 and Super Sayin 2. This level is gained by intence training. The Sayins hair becomes about half a inch longer and there mustles buldge out. This stage may have a amazing amount of power but the speed is slowed down because of the mustle size. The Sayins who reach this level are, Goku, Vegeta, Trunks and Brolly.
Super Sayin 2
Super Sayin 2 is only reached by the Sayin pushing them self over there limit. There speed is greatly incresed and so is there power. When a Sayin goes Super Sayin 2 there hair goes darker and grows a bit more and goes straight and is divided into trianguler parts. The golden aroura that surronds then becomes darker. The Sayins who have reached this level are, Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan.

Super Sayin 3
Super Sayin 3 is reached by building up there power level as far as it will go as much as they can. When a Sayin takes this stage there hair grows a down to there feet, there eyebrows are gone and there bodys are'nt as musculer. This stage has a awsomw unique hidden power. The Sayins who reached this stage are, Goku and Gotenks.
Super Sayin 4
Only a full blooded Sayin can become Super Sayin 4. It is reached by Goku and Vegeta. Vegeta cheated he went from Super Sayin 2 to Super Sayin 4 because of one of Bulma's inventions the Brute Ray, which turned him in to the Golden Oozuru and when he returned to his normal stage he was Super Sayin 4. I don't know how Goku turned Super Sayin 4. When a Sayin transforms to stage 4 there hair turns black and there tail returns if they did'nt have one.
Super Sayin 5
This is not actualy a real satge it is just a fake picture it is ment to be Goku SS5 in Dragon Ball Af.

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